Advanced Reiki Training (ART) Technique – Control Panel

control panel

I love teaching the Control Panel technique, because it is so easily understood by students of all levels of intuitive development, and because it is so effective. How effective? Try it and share your experience!

As I mention in The Reiki Cafe Reiki III (ART) Manual, this technique is not exclusive to Reiki III students. I teach it to students as early as Level II (Practitioner) if they request it, or if it is a good fit for that class.

Control Panel technique is usually offered in Level III (ART) because Level II concentrates on becoming a practitioner. Level III (ART) is where we hone our skills to be the most effective we can be in helping others and ourselves.

If you are ready to learn the Control Panel technique and want to set up a one-on-one workshop, e-mail me at so we can schedule your in-person or virtual workshop. You will need to have completed at least one level of Reiki study to take the workshop.

Which Knobs or Dials are on Your Control Panel?

Try looking at your control panel in your next meditation. I’d love to see what you can learn about yourself, and how the control panel can help you in your daily life and Reiki practice!

Control Panel is one of many techniques in The Reiki Cafe Reiki III (ART) Manual. The manual is available now in paperback and for Kindle. It’s free on Kindle Unlimited.

ART III (ART) Manual
The Reiki Cafe Reiki III (ART Manual)

As always, thank you for the time we spend together!


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You’re Invited to The Reiki Cafe’s Reiki III (ART) Manual Launch!

Yay! The Reiki Cafe’s first Reiki manual is ready to launch!
Where: Virtually anywhere as long as Facebook reaches there!
When: Saturday, July 15th at 4:00 PST

The first dozen (or so) to purchase either the Kindle version, which is available now, or the paperback version, for which I will post a link as soon as it is available, will receive a celebration swag bag! There is a gorgeous crystal in each bag, selected by Epona, me and you! Yes, you get to choose your crystal, and some other goodies as well!

Today is Prime day over at Amazon, so I read that if you purchase the manual today, you will receive a 40% off coupon to use on another book, if you are a Prime member. Not bad, Amazon.

Adding to the Reiki knowledge base is not what I set out to do, but as I say in the manual, I was teaching a Reiki Master Teacher class back in the fall of 2015 when I realized that nearly everything I was teaching was what I learned through the countless hours I spent with you, my students, in classes, workshops and sessions. I feel honored for the time we spent together, and for the support I feel from my Reiki guides.

I am honored to live a Reiki life!


As always, thank you for the time we spend together!



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